@Aryck1095 ...and thats my point. Its great that both these companies (sony and MS) are rewarding their paid subscribers with free games they might not have otherwise tried. Giving away free game, especially continual IPs, is a great way to get new purchasers of the new versions down the line... Great for us and great for the makers of these games....
@konstantinxy Have you? i have and it was pretty good. Saying it sucked shows me you havent played it. If you said mediocre than I would accept that. Fable 3 hardly "sucked"...
@DSCesq please tell me this is sarcasm.....please...tell...me... ;-). I did pick a side. I side with great games.. I dont care who make them, I dont care what console they are on. I'll be damned if I miss out on a great games because I am hard-headed..
@Paul2004 Personally it couldn't be too late and I would like to ACTUALLY thank Sony for giving free games... It pushed MS to have to do it albeit late, but MS fans will appreciate it. I own both and dont have PS+.. I wouldnt pay for that network. I also have a 360 and had fable 3 when it came out so I have no need for it but it is great that my fellow gamers can get a free game or too that they most likely wouldnt have bought. Alot of us on PSN and LIVE will get to play some great games we otherwise may not have...
@alastor529 Pesonally thats great as I have a PS3 but I'd be damned if I pay for that crappy PS network. I am glad Sony did this which helped your fellow gamers who only own Xbox. This is why competition is great. Without either of these two pushing each other we'd have one mediocre product instead of two great choices in Sony's PS series and MS's Xbox series.. Notice i said fellow gamers... youd be surprised how much you have in common with someone who owns an Xbox. We are ALL passionate about games so instead of the hate and "we we have!!"... How about "good for the Xbox owners" as i am sure alot of them who have never played Fable 3 would like to play it... and those that dont, wont. So thank you Sony for pushing your free games so that our fellow gamers on the Xbox can get a free game or two also....
@mjswooosh I dont see any real restriction except for the 24 hour check preventing someone who doesnt have internet from actually using the Xbox One AT ALL. However the restrictions that everyone keep talking about are most certainly being misinterpreted. There are plenty of people, myself included, who seem to be reading it differently than others. Just for arguments sake let me say the "core gamer" is a small minority who speak the loudest online, but the majority of purchasers will be the mainsteam "gamer". When I was a wee youth there was nothing but core gamers because you either played videogames or you didnt.. there was no in between. you wouldnt even admit you played video games in PUBLIC. Arcades were dark, smoke filled, and slightly scary place. Now everything is mainstream and as much as I hate to say it as I will get bombarded with being accused of being a fanboy but the Xbox One is WAY more mainstream.. Just the TV features alone will attract the casual and mainstream gamer and let me tell you the mainstream gamer has more power than us core gamers. Have you seen the number of sales for the Kinect peripheral. I didnt say the Kinect was good, but it was just the fastest selling peripheral ever... Also ask the app sellers for the Iphone, Ipad, Ipod... These 99 cent or free-to-play "pay-to-master" games rake in millions for some. Core gamers trying to ban MS and their policies is going to be really hard. Mainstream is where the majority of sales are going to come from and that will be after all the core gamers preordered theirs.. We are a small minority of initial sales...
@Mommas_b_o_y Another interesting fact about how polls can be manipulated by voter confidence.... A Cleveland Browns ended up on the cover of Madden... how did that happen you ask? A free for all poll... Polls mean nothing. Polls can be swayed by voters making extra accounts and voting several hundred time. Interesting but I dont think it really means anything. Seeing the 3:2 ratio for PS4 seems more realistic. 60% market share.... for now. Both will sell in the millions and thats what we as gamers NEED... Competition breeds innovation... Dont agree? Play a game of Madden football....
@mjswooosh The gamestop near my home had 24 alotted for each when I pre'd and he said he expected each alotment to go up in a month.. Both were currently sold out.. so it most certainly is regional...
@Qwertydi3 And it does suck for people like yourself and it's really unfortunate for people that want a One and have NO internet at all... They have no choice if they want a console except to buy a PS4 or WII U. PS4 isnt really a bad choice as i am getting it too. But for most people, one console is all they can have and NO ONE wants to settle for one when they really wanted the other.. I have done this when buying cars and lemme tell ya settling sucks!!
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