@justazzas I do believe this statement to be true because if they were out now I would be too busy playing games to be on these message boards. Had they never announced the systems I wouldnt even be here looking for info..
@justazzas I have no problem with fans of Sony... I am one myself. Its the ranting and name calling when we are all love the same thing.. GAMING!! I have many football friends that are fans of other teams and there is NO hate at all. I have plenty of great discussions with fans of a team I hate. Why? Because in the end we all LOVE football. I can't understand why it is so different with gaming...
@aleserpinfer As I will buy the PS4 after launch and the Xbone on launch in the end we will both laugh at all the fighting because we will be playing ALL the good games!!
@aleserpinfer Most certainly anti-piracy as piracy on the 360 was alot more rampant than on the PS3.. Sony is really good with their antipriacy, not just on their consoles. Hell the poor Sega Dreamcast could be pirated just by compressing all the videos and overburning the CD. The proprietary GD-rom was not a simple thing to get around. Size restriction? Yeah that doesnt help in a digital age of compression and more compression. I dont pirate and dont plan on it but them restricting the developers and manufacturers of ANYTHING restricting copying is their right... just as it is our right to choose whether or not to purchase any console we want regardless of what anyone else thinks...
@l_skipper A phone doesnt NEED a camera, a phone doesnt need a calculator... If you dont want a phone with a camera dont buy one... If you dont want a console with a camera, don't buy one.. Buy a PS4 and don't get the PSeye... I personally like the extra options the Xbox One has to offer. I will officially call the Xbox One the Xbone like everyone else but I am going to call the PS4, PS4 Barebones...
blackbeltjones' comments