@Applesawce77 Your comment "That and they have equally amazing developers, the PS4 online looks to be great, and their less restrictive policies. people are entitled to their own opinions but I think the only way one would prefer the XB1 over PS4 would be either through lack of knowledge or a biased viewpoint".... lack of knowledge and biased is what I see all over these boards because NONE of us have the answers or the systems, and better hardware most certainly doesnt translate into better games. So for you to proclaim that the PS4 will be better is absolutely biased as you have played neither...
@dcaseng You say "i'm not a fanboy" and then go on to say "The fact is, THIS time, Sony completely obliterated Microsoft, and any "fanboy" who still wants an Xbox One deserves whatever they get." Right now anyone saying they are buying just one system over the other because of an over glorified advertising market (E3) ARE fanboys.. In reality "the disconnected view" of the facts are whats causing the downfall of these message boards. If someone wants a One who cares...if someone wants a PS4 who cares. Are you buying it for them? I dont understand the rage towards people because they want a different system then you.. Buy your PS4 or Xbox One. Enjoy your games on your respective systems and dont worry about what others buy. It doesnt affect you at all....
@Applesawce77 OMG!!! PS4 is getting more likes than the Xbox on facebook!!!?? Wow I am not getting an Xbox One now!!! In case it takes a sec... that was all sarcasm!!
@ivan_osorio Pesronally I am getting both but will get the Xbox One first only because I think the technology in the Xbox is going to lead to more innovation beyond just gaming.... The only way i WOULDN'T pick up the PS4 after a few months is if Directv also allows the Xbox One to have NFL Sunday Ticket... but eventually I will pick it up for the exclusives anyways..
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