Bickering aside.... what ever happened to virtual reality? I remember a Popular Mechanics mag (which I still may have in my attic) that had a Sega Genesis VR headset on the front cover. Eventually it said the technology and processing wasnt up to par to run this stuff.... what about now? Some of these games on the Xbox One and PS4 look freaking amazing....
@tbutera23 Yeah... hence the Xbox One coming with a controller as well... I think for the most part we all prefer controllers. If the tech is there to play full games controller free... that would be an experience...
@atownkid33 You're not alone.... I love the fantasy football idea... add in NFL Sunday Ticket and I will LOVE IT!! With that said, I am getting both because I havent been able to not buy the big two consoles since nintendo and sega master system... I even owned a Coleco, Intellivision and Atari... again I was afraid to miss something. As far as the arguing all day, that's what goes on here unfortunately
@Speranza318 If they are turning into apple then the new Xbox one will sell BILLIONS!! LOL Hell maybe MS will make a new Xbox every six months and consumers will upgrade EVERY TIME... Personally I think Apples business model works flawlessly. Trick consumers into thinking they need to upgrade their hardware every 6 months because they need the new "gadget and software". They got me to buy an Ipad2, lol. Personally I love MS and Sony's policies of only releasing anew console after 8-10 years. They both certainly got the most out of those two systems. Personally I could go two more years on those systems but I love new technology... especially when it comes to gaming
@valknight @PDXmauler97 @navarz So we can all get along,lol.. I am all for debate, but it's nearly impossible to change the mind of gamers. If someone is already clearly getting one system or the other, there is nothing anyone on these forums can do to convince them otherwise... and they shouldnt. Not everyone is going to agree on these sytems for the next 8-10 years... even if one console "fails" people will defend to the hilt. Neither system will technically fail because Sony and microsoft will make their money. It's up to us to stop bashing each other and accept the fact that we can buy either system and have fun with it. Because at the end of the day isnt that what we want out of our gaming systems. A break from life and all this damn arguing...
@jed429 @kouji03 @blackbeltjones I am thinking of the possiblilities outside of gaming... as I find the Kinect to be more novelty. Until they can make a kinect game that "immerses" me into the game flawlessly I will play bowling on it exclusively,lol.. I think the new Kinect is set up for not only gaming but things we may not have thought of yet., Some of the things that people were doing with the Kinect off of the Xbox 360 was quite amazing and may translate into new ways to "use" the Kinect..
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