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I screwed up my chemistry practical examination by not reading the instructions. I identified the gas evolved as carbon dioxide when it was actually hydrogen, which is rather careless in my opinion. This cost me to lose 2 out of the total 35 marks which could've been avoided otherwise. Also, I got rather queer readings for the physical chemistry component of the paper, and that cost me another 2 marks. Therefore, I lost 4 marks in total for that paper.
Next, I screwed up my English situational writing component in Paper 1. I placed the date for the memo in the wrong place and also forgot to name some 'theme' for some community service crap. This cost me 3 marks. Great.
Now for the big one. I COMPLETELY SCREWED UP the physics practical today. I lost an estimated 10-15 marks, which is about 1/3-1/2 the total marks. Now, you might be wondering how in the world I lost that large amount of marks.
- The values I tabulated for some VERY strange pendulum experiment were wrong and I had to 'fake' all the values in order to get a straight line graph. I didn't have enough time to complete 'faking' all the values, so...
- For the optics experiment, I erased all my diagrams and only redrew it halfway. That's 5-7 marks gone.
- I did not have the time to finish the rest of the paper, which is supposedly easy - finding gradients, doing one equation, and yeah.
That's about it.
Now for the good news. I got my Tagger Maker emblem, uploaded quite a few videos (4 in total so far) and got myself quite a number of friends. I hope I'll be able to get my Convival user emblem today. Speaking of which, why haven't I got my Public Access emblem for successfully posting user videos? According to the guide in the Newbies Board, posting 4 should be enough. I ha've posted 4, so where is my emblem? :(
I'm going to try upload a few more videos right now - hope you all enjoy them. Oh yes - POST COMMENTS FOR !@#$ SAKE! ONLY 2 PEOPLE HAVE POSTED COMMENTS!!! WHAT ABOUT THE REST?
Before I get flamed for being some immature person, I will quit my whining and complaining. The last part of today's post - Robot Wars Poll!
Panic Attack
This one packs a hell of a punch. In Series 3 or 4, it crushed the innards of Dead Metal, the house robot, and sparks could be seen flying out. The spikes actually pierced through the exo-skeleton of the robot, cool huh?
Yeah I know it's a house robot, but that's it. House robot versus a house robot killer. One interesting fact - Shunt's axe weapon is capable of delivering pressures of 300kg/cm². That is equivalent to having the weight of one car split into a pair of shoes. Now, that's really an OUCH!
So which is it?
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