I knew you would say that, everyone responds in that exact way. There is never variation in the response. Which further proves to me that these beliefs are indoctrination. People being indoctrinated into tradition over and above what Scripture actually SAYS. Where in the Bible did it say David was in Heaven spiritually? Not to mention, didn't Peter say he did NOT ascend to the Heavens? That seems to contradict what you want to tell me.Oh and, you forgot the rest of that series of scripture you posted.
Matthew 17:5-9 "While he yet spake, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him. And when the disciples heard it, they fell on their face, and were sore afraid. And Jesus came and touched them, and said, Arise, and be not afraid. And when they had lifted up their eyes, they saw no man, save Jesus only. And as they came down from the mountain, Jesus charged them, saying, Tell the VISION to no man, until the Son of man be risen again from the dead." (Emphasis mine)
It was meant as a demonstration from God, it was not a real event. So, this also does not prove an immortal "soul".JudgementEden
So anyone that does not agree with the sentiment you are imposing on Scripture is "indoctrinated". Nice. Friend you know nothing about me, my education, my age, what research I have done, etc. If you continue the personal slant, this conversation will end.That's right, David's body is in the grave. His spirit however is with the Lord.
So you think God made a "demonstration" at the transfiguration. Show me where Scripture says it was not a real event.
Do you also think Jesus is a created being? What denomination are you?blackregiment
I wonder why you're being so sensitive, what I said is the truth. I'm not taking it back. I know it's indoctrination because I know how people get into the typical belief of eternal torment. I was indoctrinated to believe in it, with hardly any biblical basis whatsoever. What I said wasn't really a personal slant, it definitely wasn't meant as some type of insult. I suggest you develop a thicker skin if something like that bothers you so much.And no, no matter what you think of David, it doesn't make it true. No matter how hard you believe. The Bible contradicts you on the belief David is currently in Heaven. Yet, you refuse to even acknowledge that. I have countered most of your points, and you still wouldn't admit you could be wrong. It's somewhat funny, mostly sad. Christians often say how annoying Atheists are, yet, a lot of Christians are just as bad. Most Christians think they are above correction, which is totally false.
I find it frustrating that I have to keep using dictionary definitions to tell you what a word means. You want proof that the sighting of Moses and Elijah was not a real event, yet I already gave you evidence. The word "Vision" always means seeing something that's not really there. The word Vision also can mean seeing into the future. What was seen hasn't happened yet, it was a vision. I dont know why this is so hard to grasp. And now you are implying what I believe is crazy since you asked me "Do you ALSO think Jesus is a created being?" Lastly, if you were observant you would see I already answered the denomination question awhile ago. And really, even if I subscribed to one, it shouldn't matter.JudgementEden
I am not being sensitive. You have no right to tell others that disagree with your theology or that choose not to impose secular definitions on the Word of God, as you do, that they are "indoctrinated". Believe what you want and so will I. I am comfortable that my beliefs on the matter conform to the Word of God.
I am comfortable with the testimony of the Holy Spirit regarding what the Word of God reveals regarding eternity. There is a well know trend today to "air-condition" hell so as not to offend the world that I do not participate in. We are to conform our beliefs to the revealed Word of God, not our feelings and emotions. I trust in the Holy Spirit's guidance on the Word of God. I see that you answered the denomination question but still did not answer my question regarding Christ. Do you believe Jesus is a created being? Do you accept the sovereignty of God? Who do you believe Jesus Christ is? Do you believe Jesus is God, that He is eternal?
David's body is in the grave and will be there until the Lord returns and his spirit is with the Lord. The fact that you do not accept that man is composed of a mortal body and a separate immortal soul/spirit does not make it a fact. Scripture is very clear on this matter and there is no contradiction, unless of course, one chooses to ignore the clear teaching of Scripture on the reality of a mortal body and an immortal soul/spirit.
Question: "Do we have two or three parts? Body, soul, and spirit? Dichotomy or trichotomy?"
Question: "Is the human soul mortal or immortal?"
In regards to the "definitions" you refer to, you are attempting to impose modern secular definitions and understanding on the Word of God to force Scripture to fit your pre-conceived desires.
For example, "vision". You apparently don't want to believe that Moses and Elijah's spirit appeared with Jesus at the transfiguration which a literal reading of the Words clearly reveal so you want to define the event as a "mirage" a "trick on their minds". That is not what Scripture clearly reveals.
Mat 17:9 And as they came down from the mountain, Jesus charged them, saying, Tell the vision to no man, until the Son of man be risen again from the dead.
Mat 17:9 AndG2532 as theyG846 came downG2597 fromG575 theG3588 mountain,G3735 JesusG2424 chargedG1781 them,G846 saying,G3004 TellG2036 theG3588 visionG3705 to no man,G3367 untilG2193 G302 theG3588 SonG5207 of manG444 be risen againG450 fromG1537 the dead.G3498
Thayer Definition:
1) that which is seen, spectacle
2) a sight divinely granted in an ecstasy or in a sleep, a vision
Part of Speech: noun neuter
Strong's definition
From G3708; something gazed at, that is, a spectacle (especially supernatural): - sight, vision.
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