and while you're at it, stop pestering us with stupid LoL progamer news, we don't care. also, tell caroline that she/he should stop pushing feminist articles on us.
it doesn't work that way, have you heard of the burden of proof? it states that whenever you claim something, you have to prove it, or it will be disregarded.
some time ago, someone claimed there was a god (the postulate i mentioned earlier) and backed it up with the bible, which is a logical fallacy since their credulity is linked: if the bible is a lie, so is god and vice versa, so using one as an argument for the other is a circulus in probando, or a circle reasoning.
you should know, everything can be brought back to politics, in a way. as long as bigots keep appearing, spewing random lines from their books, this'll never end.
it's called an analogy, it's when you take the thought process out of the case and apply to a different example, to show that it makes no sense.
you said it shouldn't happen because they're just imitating females. 1. who said that? you have provided no source, so your claims can't be verified and taken for true 2. i used my analogy to show that you can basically call anything ''imitating'' the other sex.
are you kidding me? homsexuals are identical to you and me, save for their preference for the sex of their partner. what's wrong with that? it's like you being criticized for your musical taste: it's out of your hands and you have a right to it.
bullshit EA, microtransactions are fine, but shouldn't impact gameplay. this is what you claim whenever you release a product containing them and then it turns out like battlefield heroes, battlefield play4free, battlefield 3, dead space 3 etc.
blackrunie's comments