@rabbitcancer @elementonly08 No micro transactions from where im sitting. If I want the game, I'll buy the whole thing. Killer instinct looks like it has depth and strategy. It has great potential. This clusterfuck might make more money than some of us make in our lifetime. So it might have more potential than your life, no offense
@Cypress131 @blacksheperd Yes very intentional becuase I was only referring to launch titles. I do recognize that the ps4 has other titles coming out later. But so does the Xbox one. Agreed. Both systems have good titles or at least interesting titles coming out either at launch or later in the console year.
Im looking forward to both gaming systems but at launch I'll be more into the Xbox One. Hopefully both consoles strive to outdo each other this generation because the xbox360 was slacking off. It only had Gears of War and Halo going for it.
@Cypress131 I dont know. At first glance and without judging games based on their cover. Xbox: Ryse, Dead Rising, Crimson Dragon, Forza, Killer Instinct PS4: Knack, Killzone, Drive
Honestly im not much for platformers so the only game in the PS section im into is Killzone. But knack could be good. Ryse, Dead Rising, Crimson, and Killer Instinct cover a broader target audience and they all have the potential to be at least decent games.
@risseer23 @kiryyya @Cypress131 @malokevi Is this is even a question? How does anyone know if any game will be good before release? Quantum Break has not shown any real gameplay so as far as it concerns, I can't say I'm excited for it.
But Xbox One still has Ryse, Dead Rising, Crimson Dragon, TitanFall, and some other exclusives or timed exclusives, or Microsoft Exclusives, or whatever theyre being called.
I've played Killzone. And although the visuals and back story is intriguing. Its always been a lower quality fps than those out there like Bioshock, Halo, and heck even borderlands. COD is overplayed and boring. Halo has a much more intriguing and better executed story. Not to mention online experience and co-op. Does no one play LAN anymore??!! That being said I haven't played this and most of Gamespots reviews are crap and spoiler friendly.
So i'd like people to tell me what this awesome game everyone is comparing this to is. Whats this game that has super awesome next gen combat and graphics? What is it you PS fanboys are comparing this to. Also while we're at it...explain to me where you guys found all this in-depth videos of the storyline gameplay...so far I only see 2
@Ovirew I would say this. Being part of a large family that favors playing co-op and multiplayer on the same screen I can already think of one advantage. Since we all have our own profiles it would be nice to be able to sign into all our different profiles and still get our achievements and stats updated. I think thats a use for it. Other than that it might have other applications if not it would not have even been thought of.
@kryotech the only reason for the $100 plus dollars is the kinect, its pretty expensive tech. You can argue wether or not you want it but the fact remains that they want it bought together and to integrate it into the way the system navigates
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