xbox live came befor the playstation plus stuff. Oh and btw the price difference is only because of kinect. So with the PS4 if you want to skype you'll have to spend more money for a camera
The policies MS had would not help MS profit from anything. The used game restrictions and possible fee were designed to be totally up to the publishers and the profits would go to them.
Since MS was going all digital, mostly, it had to restrict a lot of game sharing because if not there would be serious security breaches on day one. Not that there wont already be. Breaches such as being able to freely install games at a friends house and completely giving him a free copy. Digital makes things complicated, security wise.
@jflkdjs @blacksheperd but they just reacted. and yes its shameful...maybe a little humility will go a long way for them and theyll never make the same mistake.
Everyone makes mistakes, the real greedy ones are those that wait and take advantage of the ones that make those mistakes *cough* sony *cough*
btw im a pc gamer, ps3, and (used to have) xbox. Im looking at this as subjectively as most in my position. I just dont see MS decisions as horrible. They really wanted to bring something new to the table, but the world is not ready for an always on console yet. If internet connection wasnt a problem this would have been recieved with great interest. This happens when companies get used to their 1.5 world lifestyles
@RageSet reasonable. but since sony announced only 4 exclusive next gen at e3 and MS announced a total of 11 exclusives.
Not to mention that Sony seems to react to whatever MS does, and plays filthy by using ignorance as their weapon. I just cant bring myself to prefer PS over Xbx
SO microsoft responded to the feedback and now theyre called greedy?? I see, so we should definately bash publishers and developers when they listen to the players. silly MS why'd you listen to the feedback.
MS simply wanted to innovate by moving forward. I also believe we can still choose to have the xbox one always online. personally ill be having it online all the time.
For those who were upset about used games policies here is a nice bit of info. SEASON PASSES. if a publishers wants they can prevent you from reselling a game. Not Sony or MS can prevent that.
blacksheperd's comments