I'm waiting for a definitive edition or something of this game since when i played it, it was borrowed from a friend.
Still, i don't know, $20 season pass for only one single player dlc is kinda sad. imo last of us doesn't need to be only joel and ellie's stories, they should try to do like the story of Ish. that would be pretty awesome.
people saying it hasn't changed in 7 years. ok, hundreds of new weapons therefore new strategies, items like pyrovision that change the whole look of the game, periodical events, crazy community support added, new maps and put in a co-op mode.
Just because it was all a bunch of free patches instead of a charged DLC, doesn't mean it shouldn't be reviewed.
play the console version then play the pc version and tell me it isn't different.
@kennethmc @blackzio @sammoth until they have exclusivity license for the NFL, we will always have this. just comparing 2K14 to Live 14 is a damn shame.
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