They aren't going to do that, microsoft can't be that stupid, those are just rumors so when they say "oh, u can play offline" people will be relieved and not rage about still paying online subscription, non-transfer content from 360 to 720, and etc...
$350, $300 is for the version that you get 1gb of space after updating. the 360 came at that price and had specs not so different. the ps3 came more expensive because of the blu-ray driver, and still was one of the cheapest players on the market.
Nintendo has all the charisma and more because of it's past and miyamoto, but to me is the most greedy of all 3. I stopped buying nintendo after game-cube. Keep saying "graphics aren't everything" but it's just their way of getting around with an outdated console.
Mark my words, ps4 and 720 are coming with much better specs, a similar price, and best of all, support from third parties.
how did microsoft fucked costumers with xbox 1? and how did sony fucked costumers with the release of playstations? yes, ps3 was expensive at first, because it came with a blu-ray reader. it was still the cheapest blu-ray in the market. i consider trying to **** the costumers a company that releases an outdated hardware and charges full price for it.
portal 2 (she didn't talk, but still, neither does freeman and he is awesome), heavy rain had 1 and the dlc is about her, fahrenheit had 1, beyond is going to have one. silent hill 3, to name a few, and only awesome games. not counting the games that give u the option, dragon age, fallout, etc...
of course, if publishers think call of duty, halo, gear of wars, then its going to be pretty hard to put a female lead in the army.
it might, i know someone who couldn't play diablo 3 because she got 800ms ping always for some unknown reason. good thing she got it for free because she bought a 1 year pass of wow.
you could always just play single player until it's fixed. let this be a message that this "always online" policy only punishes the ones who are actually buying the game, and this must stop. A 5 is well deserved (or even overrated) if the game can't work properly at launch.
micro-transactions should be limited to cosmetic items like in dota 2, team fortress and gw2. this buy shit to get better is awful, what's the point of playing the game then? i don't care if they put it in games, i'm not buying it anyway, as long as if doesn't affect multiplayer.
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