why do xbots brag about titanfall? it's going to be on pc..
anyway, killzone doesn't look like much, but if i was buying a ps4 right now i'd get it i guess, it seems like that "benchmarking" game to see next-gen graphics and stuff like that.
I don't think the reviews are "bought out" the way many people think with money.
But surely, they put the reviewers in nice places, paid vacations and stuff like, probably gave some freebies, of course it's to grease up a few scores.
Those kind of "review events" are awful, just let the reviewer sit on his own desk and review the game, give me a paid vacation and some freebies i'll give an 8 to superman 64!
multiverse/time travel rules are several, elizabeth became a constant in the universe because she was part of more than one (her powers are due to the finger being in one of the universes i believe). She could still exist, by killing booker, she essentially killed the "potential comstock". He, and almost all the other characters are variables in all universes.
The booker at the end of the game is another guy, one who never made the bet, never went on a religious seek or anything.
The booker we see in burial at sea will be a dude who doesnt even know wtf columbia is, my guess, that little girl is "anna" in a different universe.
The story doesn't affect the multiverse theory by itself. In my opinion.
Time travel will always leave holes, that's why many scientists like stephen hawking don't believe it to be possible. Because the very presence of a conundrum like "killing your father would you still exist to kill him" make it unstable and would pretty much be a contradiction to the universe.
i dont mind if you give a low score, but a 4 it's pretty much telling that the game is broken. a 6/7 might be "the game didn't live the expectation", 4 is just a unprofessional rant for that game. The graphics are amazing, has a decent shooting mechanic (maybe not as good as the other bioshock, but still) and the story is also amazing.
the problem is when tom mcshea gives bioshock infinite a 4. That's not a professional review, is the game broken or something? One reviewer gives it a 9, the other a 4. One thing is an opinion, but that much of a difference is like they played completely different games, the review felt more like a rant from mcshea than a review.
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