@Speuj I agree!! If a game i'm looking forward too gets a delay, i get even more exited, becuase it shows they are aiming to please! Im happy with year long delays if its needed, rather then a financial desision.
It seems you guys are covering your backs alot in the review department!! You should either do updated reviews as updates for a game come out, or just review it straight from v1.0, and if this is a bad review due to something that really shopuld have been fixed already, then maby the publishers/developers wont be so fast to release unfinished products!! People like to compare the game industry to the car industry or music industry..... in both of these industrys there's NO room for updates, and it would be unaccecptable that the buying public would have to wait for an update, before their buy is useable.
The Aussy kids are no better or worse then in Uk/Usa ect, so playing any type of game clearly is not the problem, so they may aswell let um hack ppl up in manhunt ect tbh ;) :P
People act asif the halo "world/lore" is really deep and thought out, yet the guns in reach all look more moderen, when its suposed to be a prequel? Thats weak.
ive never botherd looking at these silly competitions, and can see why now lol!! it just proves even more so that the BEST depends on what "extra" features you want, becuase unless you have "issues" the gfx are pretty much the same....... it will play pretty much the same on both (surprisingly enough?:P) Its like aurguing which is better Ketchup or Tomato Sauce? they both the frickin same!!!;p
my comment being made on the presumption you already have an upgraded HDD, if you dont have one and money isnt a problem, then SSD may aswell be the one, on the basis that they are solid state and not inticate mechanics......so chances of full breakige is less.
I dont think its worth it for all of a few seconds gained! Add up the time spent buying and installing the new HDD and you will have to spend like a year playing games to make that time back up!
blakeney's comments