Blame the dumb corperations that make it that way... Im straight (but not young anymore :P ) and would play the games i play weather there were booth babes at its booth or not..... infact the game i play most at the moment is fifa... no babes, you could call it a sausage fest, if i was attracted to "fit" men, fifa is where i would be at!
Like i said in a post a few down...NO im not being hateful. I know of many Lesbians and gays that WILL be offended by the very existance of this games con, that is becuase they want REAL rights, not plastic rights that include "lots of special LGBT versions of normal things".... see what would happen if you offered a bunch of womens rights lobbyists a ride on the "special" lady train lol
And seeing as "normal" Games cons, have absolutly ZERO bearing on sexual orientation, in the name of fairness i think we now need to push for a "straight" games con!
I would've been looking forward to this anyway, but seeing them go down the Kickstarter funded route and thier reasons for doing so, has made me very happy! Its nice to see some people still in the game for the love primarily!
Its also becuase Jets+Destruct=Mayhem towards the end of a long map (remember BF2, some battles would last hours, imagine it had destruct! Kubra Dam would be gone for a start!:P )
@itchyflop It will proberly work in the same way the BF3 beta did with Medal of Honour pre orders... Its tied to your EA account Email/Username, not console.
Then when its time, they send an email to the address your EA account is registered too, and you got a beta spot, I even had a choice of what platform to play it on.... i preordered MoH on ps3, but got the BF3 beta (like months - a year+ later) for Pc.
BF3 isn't about single player..... its the first "true" battlefield to even have single player, and they only added it in for the console owners, becuase they wont "get" buying a game that has no single player....
If BF3 had been make for PC primarly, and 100% time and focus was put into the MP exerience, then maby BF3 would be amazing like BF2 but with new gfx...physics and maps.
blakeney's comments