CJ or ANY other person from any GTA before VI WONT be in GTAV...... R* hjave explained how their "universe's" work a few times......
The GTAIII "universe" ended with SA... which is why there was not one single charecter (other then lazlow the radio host) was in VI... and there wont be in V either for that reason... they take place in a completely different "Universe".
It will come to PC, just late..... but WiiU!!?!? are you being serious......
oh wait, we are in that period where some people honeslty think the new Nintendo console will actually be any good, and devs will actually make games for it and all its novelty goodness...... Reminds me of all the poor souls that backed the Wii as some kinda "real" console that is gonna change things......
It wont come to Wii becuase GTA wont go down the cartoony big heads route...... and before anyone says Wii only had poor gfx becuase it is'nt same gen as Ps3 and 360...... it was same gen as PS2 andXbox... they managed to squeeze GTA:SA to name one... while the Wii had Wii golf...Wii tennis....Wii going for a Wee etcetc.......
Pc gamers aren't impatient ADHD'ers... ill happily play this on my ps3 while i wait for it to come to pc, so i can play it with max gfx and listen to music off my hdd via the "Independent" Radio show......
You should stick to Lego Barbie goes to Disney World..... LOLZZZZZZ
R* are the masters of marketing imo, and your comment shows this!
They have been marketing this since a year ago with trailer one.... the HUGE wait is part of the marketing campaign... during that time people have been despratly waiting and more importantly TALKING... in a week or so, once the info bomb has dropped via GI, their marketing campaign will hit level two, then a few weeks before release when we have tv ads the lot, thats when their traditional "marketing" starts.
I dunno about you, but having waiting a year with only tiny info drops... i would mug an old lady and steal her car just to see the GI with all the gta news!!! (does that mean gta is bad for me?:P)
blakeney's comments