The funny part is that IF you do happen do download and install a pirate version, the only difference between that and if you brought it (for single player), is that you DONT have to be online at all times lol.......
So the only people that are affected by the DRM is those that BUY it.... Ubishit sucks lol!
I was thinking the same...the early shots looked like SWTOR early shots...all cartoony and not atall "Elder Scrolls".
I stopped playing any kind of life sucking MMO about 3-4 years ago now (might even have been 5!), but now my baby is nearly at school age, and my buisness doesnt need attention like a baby, this could be the right mmo to start sucking away my free time! (in a controled manner this time lol!!)
@shadowdoggg @RoMo666 The even funnier thing is this... AC is made in canada and atleast one of the 3 producers is french canadian.... So they are just twisting the knife not releasing this in the states LOL.
Before i even carry on reading....... "The moment I first fired up Grand Theft Auto III and was set free in a modern-day city is one of the most singular and unforgettable game experiences of my life." I think this moment is proberly the most prolific moment for the large majority of gamers that we around and gaming at the time!
For me, its a toss up between that and getting GTA:SA at midnight launch, getting it home and 12hours later sitting back and going WTFWOOOW!!!
While i agree that it shouldn't be ignored.... The story suggests that these bugs happen in EVERY instance of the ps3 version, and thats not the case... if its only a % (even if that % IS the majority) they do really need to point this out.
Its proberly only happening on "FAT" ps3's... and not thats not some form of hate comment... i own a fat ps3 and they defo struggle with hard up games where a slim wouldn't have a problem... LA Noir killed my last FAT and i could hear it was killing my replacment FAT, so i just stopped playing it.
If you spent more time read the artical, then you did calling people out as "an ignorant".... you would've read this part:-
"it happens often enough in the PlayStation 3 version that customers interested in picking up the Zone of the Enders HD Collection for the Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance demo should think twice."
And known exactly what @TrueProphecy22 talking about and not made yourself look like...well... an ignorant lol... "golf clap"
blakeney's comments