I played and finished it on my pc (mainly on med settings with some on high) and was suprised to see that my brothers ps3 version actually looked better then pc for a change!
@areial_ace I agree... if it really was soemthing they "have to do" for the games sake... they would atleast have a "normal" version as opposed to the "organic" online one. So it then wouldnt need to be online.
I know its becoming less likely that someone might not have the net... but imo an avid sim city player is in one of the more likely "groups" to not have the net. (pretty wide sweeping generization i know... :P )
The "spoiler" is the bit where it shows you how to solve the first puzzle in the game... granted it would be pretty impossible to not work it out by looking at the paper the guy ingame is holding to your face... but still, from their point of view... where do you draw the line.. i think the line being drawn at NO spoilers seems perfectly reasonable.
Dunno bout others... but i see pcs like cars in the "looks" deprtment.... small = less space only imo.
I cant see that many are "that" pushed for space they HAVE TO go down the mini rig route just to have a gaming pc?
That said.... keep up the good work with "pc building" posts... i agree you should make it a monthly thing. Not only will you gain member becuase of it, it will also enlighten the console gamers that building your own gaming rig that ATLEAST matches current consoles doesnt need a degree in computor science OR a bank loan!
Not directly... they are paid though, you either have no idea of how "features" and Advertising agencys work with sites... or you do, and just thought i was the type of fool that thinks nintendo deal with any advertising directly?
This could be a "real" news story written by the author... but usually those have abit more creative writting... this shows all the signs... the large majority of it is copy and paste from an interview (the parts worth promoting), and the "write up" for the game (which is pre written for continuity)... pretty much an ad.
It has always been illegal practise for "this-and-that corporation" to directly pay a sum to a site/media outlet for coverage.. so im not sure where your "still" bit comes from... seems to me you're the type of person that thinks they are intelligent on a matter because they know a little bit more then "the masses", and then band that knowledge around and try and pass it off as experience.. :|
Its not exactly like that is it..... you take your socks out their packaging without thinking about it...same with forks and spoons... and last i checked, the homeless dont have a collection of "mint, unopened" stuff.......
I remember the day my dad brought home the technilogical wonder that was an 8 direction ANALOGUE joystick, not of this up/down left/right muck! We were like.... "but dad its just a new joystick"... and he were like "No boys... with this baby the worlds your oyster, 360' movement and its all yours, right here in the lounge!!"
Kids nowadays dont realise the shit we went through to get here today!
I also remember the first and last time i brought into the whole bi-yearly nintendo hardware fad... the "Super Scope".... i vividly remember it being neither Super... or even a bleedin Scope lol!! I got higher scores throwing potatoes at the screen then i did using the plasic bazzooka lol!!
blakeney's comments