I have trouble playing older games with bad lighting and slow moving games. Condemned would get me bad after about ten minutes. I do play alot of FPS and most dont mess with me.
blarghe's forum posts
You are only as fast as your upload. Your father may be seeing some speed changes but it is unlikely. Normally you will see the speed issues when he surfs the net or downloads email or so on. The 360 and PC both use maximum bandwidth possible all the time. That means if your father goes to a web page and the web page will download a 6mbps and that is your connection max it will do it at that speed. When surfing though it will download so fast you just have little bursts of lag as opposed to constant lag. Like I said before you are only as fast as your upload though. When you are gaming if you have a 384 kbps upload your connection to the server will use around the same amount down because it is a 2 way street. For xbox Live I would not want less than 384 kbps upload just to play on someones host. To host a game I would not want less than 768 kbps upload, depending on how many people you plan to host.
If your father is gaming on the PC then both of you are screwed.
King kong
fight noght round 3
favorite : Bioshock
Anticipated : Ninja Gaiden 2
Sequel : Bioshock
Great game but not better than sex or life.
Best game I've played this year.
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