blarghe's forum posts
If you have a wireless bridge hook up a switch or hub (switch recommended) then hook up your computer to one port and 360 to another.
You probably dont have a bridge you most likely have a wireless adaptor. In that case you can use connection sharing on your computer but it will be laggy and give you a bad connection.
The research goes really quick if you do it right. Electrobolt anything then take pictures of it until it wont take any more. By bolting it you get extra score and the research goes up faster. I have gained 2 complete levels off of one guy doing it this way. Also, its good to do the research because it makes everything easier to kill or it will hack without you playing "pipe dreams".
ps: I beat it on hard the first time and also thought is was quite easy
I've never heard of an "HDMI Drive" before.
Too many great games, get both along with many more.
Bioshock, Stranglehold, Too Human, Mass Effect
Two Worlds is so bad that microsoft wont even certify the game. It got pushed back to an unknown date.
XBL has a great feature called mute. I just mute people that start talking like that then they usually quit because they dont get a response.
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