@jmeyer2039 or they wanted to try something different. People need to learn that sometimes change can be good. Do you really think Rock Steady would screw up the single player after all the fans they have now? Think hard about that. Quit jumping to conclusions.
@jeb76 I don't buy used games. I wanna support the companies. If its too expensive, I just wait till the price drops new. Unless its an online game, it can wait.
@PsychoChick966 horrible logic. I'm a drama queen for using the same word? How about no. And if you weren't so ignorant you would see most of the comments are juvenile, like the one above yours. And I never said people didn't have the right to voice their opinion.
You guys are acting like drama queens. This talk of everybody not buying a ps4 just sounds stupid. From a business perspective this is a really good idea, in a sense. While used games don't help profit, people are so cheap these days that this could seriously hurt sales for ps4. We will see what Sony will do.
@mischiefmeerkat @saucex4 sounds like you know little about how producing a game works. While some companies do what you said above, not all of them do. DLC is adding what they didn't have time for, into the game. Why do they charge us for it then? Because they can't just keep making these dlc's without some cash. Don't like it? Dont buy it. Its simply for people that want to keep the game going. Its supporting both the company in a bad economy and more play time.
If you realized how large games are these days compared to back then, you'd come come to realize why not all content can't be added. Not only that but sometimes the companies forget to add something.
He really marked the game down because of salvador? Thats ridiculous. I bet he hasn't even played as him. No offense Chris but plenty of other games have classes that don't change the gameplay as much.
blazin640's comments