Well, yesterday was a pretty great day. I spent over 100 dollars, but it was all worth it. As some of you may have known, yesterday was National Record Store Day. Me being a music nut, I went to my favorite local record store which is known as Monster Music. I had a coupon for 10 dollars off any new CD and every used CD that they were selling was half price, and thusI picked up the following albums
Then I headed over to Gamestop where I finally got around to pre-ordering this
I'm SO happy that I've finally pre-ordered it. But of course, I needed something to hold me over while I'm waiting for Red Dead Redemption. And thus I got this
It's basically Star Wars Battlefront only in the Lord of the Rings world. It can be pretty tough at times, but overall it's a pretty fun game, not as good as Battlefront though.
Well, what would one of my blogs be without a Top 10 list? I don't know why I always put them in here, but you guys have seemed to enjoy them so I figured why not? This is the Top Most Thrilling Movies Of All Time.
Bonnie and Clyde
Even though you know what's going to happen at the end, it's still pretty shocking. And any movie that can do that has got to be one of the most thrilling movies ever. Every gunfight in this movie is really intense and every time someone is hit with a bullter it gets pretty graphic. You feel like you're really watching a bunch of shootouts throughout the movie.
Jurassic Park
How could anyone make a list of thrilling movies and not have Jurassic Park on there? The movie itself really isn't that great, seeing as the acting isn't anything to write home about and the science is pretty complex for a normal audience. But thatdoesn't matter on this list, all that matters is how thrilling it is, and once you first see that T-Rex for the first time, it's pretty friggin' thrilling.
Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Out of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, Return of the King is easily the most thrilling. The first two are also great thrill rides, but every single thing in Return of the King is incredibly thrilling. The battle scenes are amazing and the final showdown in Mount Doom is one of the most breathtaking scenes in movie history.
The French Connection
Yeah, you knew this was coming. This is that one movie that's always on my countdowns. And why not? It's one of my favorites. The French Connection is really a lot like Bonnie and Clyde in the sense that it's really gritty and realistic. And let's not forget that it has the third greatest action scene of all time.
The Omen
Yes, I'm talking about the original, not that crappy remake. I got so scared when I first watched this movie, I never thought that I would sleep again. It's not as scary as The Exorcist or The Shining but it's pretty close. There's one scene in particular near the beginning of the movie that haunted me nonstop for weeks.
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Everyone knows this movie for the suspenseful climax when the three title characters have their big showdown, but that's not the only thrilling and suspenseful scene in the movie. I'm not going to give them away but this movie is filled to the top with great action and great thrills.
I friggin' love this movie and it's becuase of the insane thrills. The music really adds to the effect, and inevery scene in which it's hinted that someone might get eaten, you're on the edge of your seat.
Rear Window
I've never sweated so much while watching a movie. It's not really all that thrilling up until the last twenty minutes where your heart starts beating out of your chest and your sweat glands explode. Okay, that was a little gross, but it's completely true with this movie.
The Indiana Jones Series
I know that I'm cheating by putting four movies in one spot, but it's actually pretty hard to seperate them when it comes to thrills. Every Indiana Jones movie has overdone itself in the thrills category, and every time I watchone of them, I always get pretty thrilled.
This will never be topped. If you've seen it, then you know how it goes. If you haven't, then you need to get your hands on it ASAP. Believe me, there's nothing like it.
Well, I hope you guys enjoyed the list, and if you haven't seen any of these movies, I recommend them for anyone who likes to get a little jolt out of movies.
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