@Hellcanwait I guess you missed the fact that anyone can publish a game on PC with ease. Consoles is a whole other story.
@Gravity_Slave Ahh, the library the consoles have are stupendous. Filled with AAA exclusives that aren't watered down and can pull out 1440p 120 FPS.
@tefrin *facepalm*First, it is fair since PC's can be upgraded. But, these aren't 2 grand PC'S... they use much cheaper PC's for these comparisons.
Simple. Its a shameless way of calling the product battlefield when it isn't. And, it's more than likely the kickstarter game Police Warfare that was mysteriously cancelled 2 years ago without any explanations.
@KyleGates @Coseniath I support PC gaming. But this is far from the truth. They made the worst PC port to date.
May we discuss how bad ubisoft treats its consumers?They only give 1 save file. It's 2014. What is this.
BldgIrsh's comments