Its like you said. Genres become stale when its the same thing. This will be more of the same. The Sony law of making a game 1080p and with a huge focus on graphics pretty much guarantees that this game will not be revolutionizing the genre they pretty much invented. Demon Souls, Dark Souls, Dark souls 2, Lords of the Fallen etc. Its not the rare gem it used to be and DS is being remastered to boot. Genre exhaustion will pretty much guarantee a low score for this.
The game is an interconnected world with far from derivative gameplay mechanics. It's more fast paced and they are doing new things other than just visuals. I'm sure it won't get a 6. It might flop on GS and get an 8 or something when it will most likely be hyped AAAE/AAAAE here, but I imagine overall impressions will be good. The game already seems to be changing up the souls formula enough to even attract prior non souls fans because of the faster paced action. The game will be good, but I'm not overhyping in fear that I have bought a $400 box of dog shit.
It's pretty much guaranteed to get 8-10 scores across the board, everyone has a hard on for the souls games. Sony fans will finally have a great exclusive to play.
They'll also witness amnesia and forget about all the other exclusives when bloodborne comes out. Anyways, I hope bloodborne is great... this PS4 has been laying in dust for a while now.
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