@PinkieWinkie: Nah. If you get banned then we won't be able to get to see the sig. Besides, we need more people like you who are devoted in defending a game that is frowned upon by the masses.
@lundy86_4: So, Im wrong? The cheap hermits that hunt for 2$ steam sales or play mostly F2P games while a great part of the PC community which is allocated in poorer parts of the world, is not pirating? If you truly believe this, I can only laugh at you.
****, even steam restricts their russian presence to the rest of the world because the hermits want to exploit the weak ruble.
Go to any torrent site and see for yourself. I cant count how many times hermits told me how they pirate games just to buy them later on for a few bucks while bragging about how amazing games sell on steam.
Why do you think Consoles make more money for publishers?
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