@CrownKingArthur: Oh, uhm hmm. This was unexpected. I didn't plan for this kinda of reply. You sure you want to agree with my statement??? I was ready to bring this thread up to 10+ pages to defend my solid argument. :/
Destiny really is its own shit show. The first DLC basically showed how little bungie cares about veteran players. The new leaked DLC is also going to bare lil value for 20$...
There was a leak called "Comet" said to be slated for September this year that is supposed to have a lot of content. But it's supposed to be distributed as a disc content... (Inb4 60$ retail.)
Too bad 80% of those users are using auto login and afking. I'm not going to provide sources, so don't bother. Whiners race will still ask me for a source I bet.
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