Since the owner can take control over in just a split second on SharePlay, the kid probably deserved what he got for going afk with a stranger using his game.
He got a lot more good out of it. Got some items the rare item "Fate of All Fools" and KirmitTheFrog is getting witch hunted by 4chan and destiny players now.
@bldgirsh: "This whole thing is getting out of control on bungie forums heh... Kirmit got banned from PSN, and now there's a witch hunt for kirmit in real life... (they've found his youtube channel and already have pics of his actual face.)"
Good to hear.
So in the end the kid gets a public show of support in-game, and the troll gets publicly tarred and feathered.
What an exceptional outcome.
The kid will probably be invited to The Ellen show with all the publicity he's getting...
This whole thing is getting out of control on bungie forums heh... Kirmit got banned from PSN, and now there's a witch hunt for kirmit in real life... (they've found his youtube channel and already have pics of his actual face.)
lol, i mean i am all for getting him banned from psn, he deserved it but that is just too much.
Yup... the mod for Cuckoo's twitch stream actually posted the youtube channel of Kirmit on the bungie forums... the face pictures are getting leaked through reddit and 4chan...
the train is already moving, i feel bad for him, he is an ahole but it got out of control.
Sad part is. If this was a 17 year old or someone older, this would get no media attention at all. Kirmit was a deuche, but he's receiving severe treatment from the internet... its not like this is the first time shareplay related incident has happened on destiny.
This whole thing is getting out of control on bungie forums heh... Kirmit got banned from PSN, and now there's a witch hunt for kirmit in real life... (they've found his youtube channel and already have pics of his actual face.)
lol, i mean i am all for getting him banned from psn, he deserved it but that is just too much.
Yup... the mod for Cuckoo's twitch stream actually posted the youtube channel of Kirmit on the bungie forums... the face pictures are getting leaked through reddit and 4chan...
This whole thing is getting out of control on bungie forums heh... Kirmit got banned from PSN, and now there's a witch hunt for kirmit in real life... (they've found his youtube channel and already have pics of his actual face.)
I agree that this kid shouldnt shareplay with a stranger, but Sony shouldve put in safeguards so they dont get sued.
They should disable the PS button during gameplay for the helper, and exiting gameplay should time out the connection
I think the safeguard that was needed was the parent lock safeguard that is on the PS4. The kid is 11... technically he shouldn't even be playing destiny. With the parent lock most online features are disabled including gameshare, and streaming. (He shouldn't be streaming either.)
I agree with the parental oversight, but i disagree that an 11yr old cant stream or play destiny. There is more violence on TV and Movies than in video games, and Destiny is FAR from graphic violence.
So yea, his parents shouldve spent time with him to at least understand what he is playing and its capabilities, but ignorance isnt an ok for sufficient protections. I view it the same way Sony had their network set up before the big hack. Its like they dont plan for the possiblity. You cant give the internet that kind of power. This Shareplay should have limitations............not to protect idiots..............but to protect Sony. This is just an invitation for people to sue them.......especially with the stupid laws we have in the US that allows people to sue for silly stuff.
I believe you can cancel shareplay with a click of the button. As powers said the kid did went afk right before his characters got deleted.
As well, I am aware that violence is abundant in today's media. And, they shouldn't restrict him from destiny, but from what you saw is he's naive and would believe any stranger. It could've gone far worst for the kid, imagine if someone watching his stream asked for his home address or his mom's Credit Card number in return to giving him cheats. He would've easily done it. If the parental lock parameters were placed in the first place he wouldn't have had this problem. (The parental lock wouldn't prevent destiny, but other features.)
He's streaming right now even... playing with a couple of lvl 32's as well.
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