@KiriharaZro: "As if iasbstract wouldn't have understood the "complicated" story of TLOU..."
There is nothing too big to understand... The story is quite simple, there are no twists, no narrative surprises. So I don´t know how you get here.
"why you mocked him with those games and the "pew pew bang bang" onomatopoeia"
Nah... I Just point great gameplay games (or at least that's what I heard...)
"the only one that dont catched the simplistic story of the game was you"
As I said before, you are wrong, it´s a simplistic story, I do agree. But is perfectly told, amazingly portrayed as an father and daughter relationship. I was going to say a few games who have "better" stories, but please, enlighten me with your wisdom. Tell me great "game" stories in your view.
"maybe youre more like a COD player"
I was... In 2004 or 2005. The original will always be remembered by me.
"a game with a bit of story amazed you"
Remember... it's not the story... it´s how it was implemented.
@KiriharaZro: "maybe isnt a good game for you because you play it once and leave it"
"Leave it"? I have this game printed in my mind. I didn't need to play a second walkthrough because this game lives timeless in my mind.
This game is a masterpiece, without any doubt. That doesn't means you have to like it, tastes are tastes. But deny its qualities is beyond stupidity. Perfect narrative structure, great characters and voice acting, amazing graphics (at the time), superb ambience, and (at least) an acceptable gameplay (I think is good because it fits the game structure).
I don´t like Dark Souls, you don't hear me saying is a bad game. Like I said, tastes...
@KiriharaZro: LOL... I only played this game once. My second walkthrough will be made before the second game release. I don´t need to play a game n times to know a masterpiece.
"by the way you can do the same in the real world, I mean, picking up garbage and throw bottles or bricks."
Gameplay... Sorry, my only complain of gameplay in this game is the AI (sometimes).
@thedarklinglord: "the ending of the first game didn't leave me with that feeling of needing to know what happened next"
That was exactly my feeling.
"It just feels like there's nowhere for them to go but down."
And that's my fear too. But I will not criticize up ahead. I´ll wait and I will see the new story. I have faith in them, because to me, the first game is flawless. Obviously to live up to the hype it will be excruciating.
@thedarklinglord: "I absolutely loved The Last of Us..."
Damn... I misunderstood your comment...
"...honestly didn't feel like it needed a sequel..."
yup... I feel the same way.
But the sequel is coming, nothing will change that. I just hope that TLOU2... well... don´t do to TLO1 what ME3 did to ME1 and ME2... If you know what I mean...
blindbsnake's comments