@Pooya1881: "you didn't give a better ending u just gave a sarcastic retort"
That´s my point... You don´t need to create something when, simply by cutting the end you already have a better ending. That´s the funny thing about it, and the sad thing at the same time.
"even Witcher 3 had that problem"
I love The Witcher series (I did not played the third yet), but I always felt as the story of Geralt, in ME I was Shepard.
"adding a epilogue, which gave closure and made the player forget about the plot holes that the end of the game had."
Haha. You maybe, certainly, many of us don't share the same feeling.
The epilogue doesn't hide your actions, the plot holes and the stupid dialogue.
"all the problems that u have with the plot before that are minor compared to the end."
On this I agree. The game have serious problems. So did ME2 (the perfect game for my spirit), but ME2 last mission is rewarding (even with the stupid terminator). ME3 endings made all the other flaws shine.
"and weirdly enough ME2 made people forget that because they wanted to bring it out in the 3rd game."
Ok... Here we disagree. ME2 had one idea The Dark Energy Plot. ME3 was made in a different direction. The story changed when the new lead writer took over. You know him, it´s "The artist"...
"no ending will satisfy the fans"
The ending should be presented as a choice. The future could be open to interpretation, in the same way The Last of Us ended. But you need good writers to do that. I don´t need to know if the future will bring war between machines and mens. But I should be given the choice to give them a chance for peace. Others should be allowed to kill them. I never saw them as the enemy, specially since ME2, so why would I kill them? In a game of choice you were given no choice. Do what the enemy wants (and none of the choices make sense) or receive a middle finger. Thats ME3 endings in a nutshell.
"i was content with him dying and galaxy saved"
See... That's the thing... galaxy saved is debatable, specially for someone who accepts the glowing kid logic. You either kill the geth and the reapers and you know that in the future all life will be extinct. (I know is stupid but it is what the kid tells you and you accept it), you choose control and the world is under Catalist 2.0 control (how many years until get crazy again?), or you choose green and the Reapers won because "brainwash".
So... well done hero... the bad guys won... lol
"and the run to the beam was awesome because that's what soldiers do in wars"
Really? You mean the speech of no retreat and then the stop to help your comrades? Or are you talking about the Normandy in the middle of the battleground while Harbinger is taking a nap? Maybe you are talking about the 5 seconds for the Normandy to arrive? No? So let me guess... You are talking about the fact that Harbinger hits everyone but it fails to destroys you? Not yet?
What about the fact that Harbinger leaves the beam unprotected in order for his most desired man (never forget ME2) reach the beam? Oh I forgot, the beam was well protected by marauder shields and the three musketeers...If that is your view of awesome I can understand why ME3 looks ok to you.
@Pooya1881: "ME2 is my favorite Mass Effect game..."
Until ME3... ME2 was not my ME favourite game, it was MY Favourite Game. I can´t touch it anymore... Sadly.
"im sure i know more about ME universe than 99.99% of the people who hated ME3 as a whole game"
I can´t say that you are right or wrong because I don't know you. Normally, and this is a fact, people defending ME3 knows little about ME lore and even worse... knows little about ME3 and its flaws.
"in my opinion if someone is even remotely invested in the story of the game can enjoy many things in ME3"
Yes. Tuchanka and Rannoch are good mission and the only thing about ME3 that felt like ME. But nothing more.
But if you are invested in the story there are also many things that have to make you crazy. ME2 dlc arrival (first crime of Shepard).The beginning of ME3 (ME1 plot in check), the dildo plot (aka crucible - the most retarded thing I ever saw), the destruction of Shepard personality (both Paragon and renegade), the last mission and the evil endings.
"i didn't like the ending because it didn't give me closure..."
I didn't like the endings because are filled with plot holes. Shepard not reacting, the kid can´t make one single point valid, the three crimes (red, green, blue) as the only choices.
Oh...And the whole run to the beam is utterly stupid. Better not go there...
"i have been asking for a better one or even an idea for a better ending"
Easy... A flying chicken with Superman logo on the chest arrives in the last minute and saves the day. See... A better ending.
Everything would be better than what was served. Genocide (red), massive rape (green), totalitarianism (blue). The refusal ending doesn't count, it was not in the original game and in the EC is just a middle finger to ME1 and ME2 fans who wanted to see his Shepard one last time.
You want a "not so bad ending" (still stupid because of the main plot). MEHEM mod. Same crap but cuts the glowing kid appearance and does what was expected since the start, red explosion (without the Geth thing).
Still not enough for me. My Shepard was an honorable hero, a good person with values. They way he was killed (his spirit since the start of the game) was unacceptable.
And before you go there... No, my problem is not Shepard death, if I was obligated to choose one ending it would always be the refusal ending. Death is not a problem, to die as a coward and the main villain of the game... it´s the problem...
Certainly not as important as it is right now. ME1 was perfect on that, you can called balance. Politics, social conflicts, team work, friendship, romance, honor, duty, and some fights in between.
ME2 - All the above with less politics and more romance. But all the above nonetheless.
ME3 - Hard attemp of social conflicts, romance all over the place and many corridors shooting... and obviously no duty, no honor, no strategy of war.
@Warlord_Irochi: Oh... I don´t blame EA for ME3. No, not even close. EA is the worst company out there but ME3 has only two faces I do blame. Mac Walters and Casey Hudson. I would accept a stupid ending, and a bad story. What I could not accept is my Shepard as the bad guy in the end of the game.
ME3 was an obligatory purchase after ME1 and by extension ME2. And we can´t forget that ME2 has the EA logo on it.
You can say that to buy a game is always a personal decision, and obviously you would be right about it. But you also know that it you are a fan of something you will follow the path of ythe thing you love until the end. That´s why they bought Bioware. Like I said, the big picture is important here.
@Pooya1881: I disagree with parts of your vision of a fan. yes, the ability to forget flaws must be there, but there is a limit to everything. If you love ME1 and ME2 (for the story), you have to criticize ME3 for its major flaws.If you don't, you're not a fan of ME, you are a fanboy or a fan of ME3 as a stand alone game.
"and also if you can be wrong about many things then u can be wrong about ME3"
The difference is that I normally don't care if a game is good or bad. I play the game and I just move on. If is good I enjoy the ride, if is bad I will finish the game but I will not play it again. ME3 was a different kind of thing. It was personal. So I studied the game at its core. The theories, the fans reaction, the writers, the change in the story,the Dark Energy plot, the plot holes of the game, and the logic behind the dialogues. Obviously everyone can make mistakes, certainly I can be wrong in one point or another, but at its core I have no doubt that ME3 is the biggest crap ever made of a videogame.
And the biggest proof of that? People defending ME3 normally knows less about ME universe than people who hates ME3. It's the irony of things.
@Legend_of_Link: Many people enjoyed ME3. Some even enjoy the ending. And that´s ok. What is not ok is to distort reality in order to defend the game. ME3 endings are bad because have two premises. Bad (stupid) writing, nihilistic heart.But the game is bad since the start, and the start is ME2 dlc Arrival. In other words, since Supermac took the role of lead writer.
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