@duggd1ggler: "Jill could be Latina, Wesker could be Asian, Chris could be African American….as long as they made a good movie or series actually based off the game, I wouldn’t care."
Now imagine... they could respect the source material. At least just one time, to see how it goes.
Still missing the point of Resident Evil. It's not about quantity of zombies or monsters. Its the ambience, the degradation, the survival, mixed with discovery, determination and humanity.
Every new RE my hopes rise, yet, they never find a director who is truthful to the source material.
@naryanrobinson: "I'm not buying your claim that there's “much to talk about” in Odyssey to the West. You're just being contrarian."
Well, its one of my favourite games, I truly love the story between the main characters and the representation of the world. I could talk for hours about the game... but... as I told you before, that's me.
"I think you either thought the game was very good, so just painted the story the same way, or you just wanted to contradict me because opinions are unfalsifiable and it's easy."
See, that's how mistakes are made, to assume you can justify your logic by the act of limitation of other persons opinions or personal understanding.
The story is cliche? Yes, in a way it is. The story is simple/basic? Yes, also true. Its linear, without turns and twists? Yup, that's also true. Only 3 characters (and I hope you played the Pigsy’s Perfect 10), and as I said, very linear.
The irony in all this is that the so called flaws you are mentioning, are also the reason I love this game. Dont get me wrong, this game is a 8/10 at best, but I love it deeply, much more than some other 10/10 games.
Its simplicity, nuance, narrative display and soft approach make it amazingly enjoyable. The "love" story is so well done, in such a simple way that it really touched my heart.
No need for a ton of wasted dialogue, cringe statements or unrealistic actions. We see the evolution in their relationship, from the basic "antagonistic-male-and-female-meet-and-reluctantly-agree-to-help-each-other-solve-mutual-problem" which in a way thats not really what happening, he is her slave no matter the logic behind their actions, to the "becoming-borderline-romantically-involved" by asking her to connect his life to her by turning headband (or whatever the name) on again.
But contrary to what you may think, I dont need you to agree with my view. You are not wrong in the overall logic of your critique, but the difference is the impact of the game in different type of gamers. And, in that regard, this game is pure joy for me.
@storjohan_: And that's fine, everyone is entitled to their opinion. But to me it is crystal clear, Russia is the bad guy who needs to be stopped, one way or the other.
I don't understand any debate about the Ukraine government at this point. Before the invasion and after the invasion we can debate Ukraine, but right now we have a bully trying to steal others country land. So, a middle finger to Russia is still a soft reply...
@naryanrobinson: "Spec Ops: The Line was a game that everyone was talking about because of its ending, but to say it formed a “cult following” is pushing it. I don't know anyone that played it more than twice."
Me, right here...Now you know.
"Enslaved: Odyssey to theWestwas a good game, with great production values, and I enjoyed it very much. But it was totally linear. Old school linear. No choices to make whatsoever. There's nothing there to talk about and definitely no cult around it."
There is much to talk about, because the story is very good. The acting is superb and the art behind the game is fabulous. But obviously, no matter the game, is always a matter of personal taste.
When you have people saying is a 10/10 and people saying is a 0/10, my advice is play the game. If you fall into the 10/10 side of the equation you may experience one of the best games ever made. If don't, its just another experience. And I say this because I`m on the side of the 10/10 experience.
blindbsnake's comments