blindbsnake's comments

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Edited By blindbsnake

@xnshd: "when you are simply talking about a game whatever you say about it whether if its you think the story is better or the gameplay is better etc thats all your opinion."

Sorry, but again no. You may like the story more or less, thats when the opinion enters the chat. But if the narrative is stupid and moronic, and you have facts about it, then opinions are not the word to describe the situation.

"you thinking me3 is idiotic that is an opinion."

Actually, no... And I can give you an example. I will give you some narrative situations of the game, and I give you the chance to justified them logically. If you do that, I may accept your view... About opinions...

ME1 may not be your cup of tea, but it is the first game of the trilogy. The first game sets the rules, the characters, the themes. If those rules are broken (that happens a lot in ME3), then the narrative is destroyed. Again, sorry, but this is not debeatable, these are simple facts...

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Edited By blindbsnake

@xnshd: "no thats exactly what an opinion is my dude sorry to break it to you."

Wait? Stating facts are opinion now? Sorry, I dont know if you are US citizen, but I´m not... I dont deal with strange perspectives about reality...

"someone could have the opinion that the transformers movie is the greatest story ever told."

And I would respect it... But ME 3 is a different beast, it goes against ME1 narrative, has the most idiotic main plot I can remember and the worst ending (narratively) I ever saw. I´m still traumatized...

"last i checked aswell gameplay wasn't a "feature" of a game its a crucial component of what makes a game."

Yes you are right... But to talk about gameplay as the main feature in a ME game is almost the same thing of talking about story in a sport game...

"personally i prefer mass effect 2 and 3 on EVERY level compared to 1 and that included the story in those games and guess what yes that is my opinion."

That statement I respect, nothing against it. As long as the statement does not goes as an affirmation that those games are better, fine by me...

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Edited By blindbsnake

@xnshd: "ok all of those things are your opinion"

Yeah... Actually no, it is not. You like ME3? Fine. I can't change your tastes either. But narratively ME3 is the worse game I ever saw, and that is not an opinion.

An opinion would happen if I say something like that without narrative argumentation. And I have plenty of those justifications.

You can say to me "but all I care is about gameplay"... and that would explain a lot. I guess gameplay is not bad, but between the stupidity I couldn't pay attention to that feature...

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@mogan: Yes we have...

But you know that's the easy way out... :)

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@mogan: "ME2 and 3 managed to continue ME1's great writing and world building..."

Sorry, but you are wrong, very wrong... And the final 15 minutes are just the cherry on the stupidity...

But because you shaked up the nest...

So, in your opinion:

1- Destroying ME1 plot in the first ten minutes is great writing?

2 - Creating a Deus Ex mAchina device is great writing?

3 - Let me explain the deus ex machina: A weapon that no one knows what it is, what it does, if works, or even if the schematics are complete. A weapon that need to acouplate in an unknown device... A weapon that becomes the only strategy of war... Is that great writing?

4 - And then the endings... better not go there...

Yes... You guessed it, this is personal for me...

Tastes are fine, free and respectful. Lies on the other hand... not so much...

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@mogan: Oh... But I'm "chill"... But, did I said something out of tone?

I don't debate tastes, anyone can like anything...

But if someone says that ME1 is "the turd" thats fine, but someone writes LOL is what upsets you? Interesting...

I´ll say it again, ME1 is by far the best game, ME2 is the most fun game and ME3 is the biggest dump ever made. And I dont say it as opinion. If you want reasons I can give them. If it were by taste ME2 was my most loved game of all time... until ME3...

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@mogan: Maybe it's me... I don't recall people main worries about Mass Effect being gameplay...

But I guess this explains why some people think ME3 it deserves a ME name... shame...

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@mogan: "Yeah, ME1's got some troubles. They tell you Shepard..."

Well... ME1 and ME2 told me that my Shepard was an honorable hero... then ME3 told me I could only be the villain...

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@xnshd: LOL... Sorry, I could evolved the reply but you would not get it...

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Edited By blindbsnake

@Fandango_Letho: That's the difference between ME old fans and ME 3 fans...

When we think in ME we think about the story, the characters, the feelings... but I guess that after ME3 people need to think about the gameplay...