While i would like to try one i just dont see the advantage with it because its like a spork not as good as spoon or fork. And this not as good as a controller or keyboard. The only advantages is how customizable it is, but if i need a controller for a pc game my 360 and one controllers work fine and i find myself using controllers more than a keyboard. I know you can aim better with a mouse but i like movement much better with a controller and im much faster with the buttons but some games especially mmo's you got to have a keyboard.
I was thinking of picking up the crew because i found it cheap but hows the driving? Because it looks bad from the videos ive watched but i just bought a wheel for my pc and one and wanted more driving games.
Im still getting buy with recommended i have a 3770k at 4.6 and a 780 classified. I started off with a vapor x 7970ghz with my cpu, and was gonna get a 980ti but i want to see nvidia's 16nm cards and amd's 14nm before i jump the gun and get a 980ti
Who the hell would buy a steam machine just build your own pc and save some money. I have my pc hooked up to my tv and a monitor, play most of my pc games with an xbox controller but if i need a keyboard i play on my monitor. Its not like building a pc is hard and theres plenty of video's on youtube showing you step by step how to build a pc. I built my first pc back in the day with an e8500 and a 8800gt, before you know what your doing it looks hard but its really simple and hard to mess up.
Im playing on the hardest difficulty and man im getting my #ss kicked, but im loving the game it just has a bunch of weird framerate anomalies, i was in a place with a lot of buildings and if i looked at a certain building my normally solid 60fps would go down into the 40's. And im noticing many places like this with drops for no apparent reason.
I super excited i just got into jrpgs in the last 2 consoles generations and missed out on plenty of great games. Im happy i"ll get to play these games i have most of the dragon quest games on the ds and picked up DQ Heroes on the ps4(pretty fun games nothing exceptional but just fun to play like hyrule warriors. Im just getting through most of the older ff games on vita and think 4 complete is my fav one, i know 7 is most peoples just love the colorful sprites in 4. And really like lunar silver story and the legend of heroes trails in the sky.
Well im glad im getting this for the pc, the jaguar cpu is just to weak for open world games and is the main reason ps4 and one struggle to hit 30 in games like fallout and the witcher. I own both consoles and enjoy them and im fine with 30fps if its pretty solid. But i cant stand it fluctuating into the 20's every 10 seconds. I haven't read the specs for fallout but i have a 3770k and a classified 780, from what ive read i should get around 40-60fps maxed at 1080p and a solid 60 if i turn some stuff down.
I havent bought the last 3 cod games, well i got a cod advance warfare xbox one so the game came with it. Im just burnt out on cod games and saving my money for fallout and tomb raider. There's nothing wrong with the games they just need to take a couple years off making them, there getting stale and predictable .
I really dont play sports games anymore i used to play them a lot more when i was younger but i just cant get into them anymore, i like rpg's more than anything else. I enjoyed mario maker for about a week and it got boring pretty fast, i wouldve rather had a super mario galaxy 3. I think nintendo should do a hd remake of SMG 1&2 and put it on one disc. I would love to see the visuals in hd.
Well crap was hoping for a decent score like 7-8 but 5 is bad, looks like i'll try the game if its ever on sale. And its sad because ive never played a fatal frame game and it looked interesting to me and the tablet seems perfect for a camera in theory. I will be crushed if xenoblade gets a bad score, it was the reason i went out and bought a wiiu. I thought the game was coming sooner back then. I bought the wiiu about the same time hyrule warriors came out. But theres been a handful of great games for the wiiu there just to few and far between.
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