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blooddemon666 Blog

On the VT rampage

First of all, I appoligize for the ignorance of my prior blog/thread.

What a horrible, horrible event. It hits pretty close to home for me, because I live in Virginia Beach; and I have a few friends that are going to VT.

And apparently, a hated person here, Jack Thomson has jumped on this situation already; saying that violent video games are to blame. Talk about Jumping to conclusions.

I've actually written an essay for an english class talking about the relationship between violence and video games.

I concluded that violent video games do not cause normal people to commit violent acts. But violent video games may bring to the surface some issues that some have. My conclusion is that violent video games dont cause violence, but they may trigger violent people to commit violence.


I'll rewrite the essay and post it later.

EDIT:Re-reading it, how did I ever get an A+ on it? I'm an atrocious writer :(


Bleagh, uber sick

So I finally broke down today and went to the doctor's office. Since wednesday I've had a runny nose, sore throat, and an atrocious cough. Then, yesterday, I couldn't hear much out of my left ear.

I found out that I have an inner ear infection, and a sinus infection.

I guess it could be worse....

New tablet

So, I ordered a tablet on friday, and I should be getting it in tomorrow, I'm kinda excited ^^

its a WACOM Graphire4 CTE640S 6" x 8" Active Area USB Tablet link
I hope its a good tablet.

Edit: why do i never hit the spell check button....

Bored and depressed

So the other day, i had to call out sick from work because I apparently ate something bad. It was a sub from some place in my local mall, and no, they didn't use peter pan peanutbutter.
So I've had a 4 day weekend, but with nothing to do around the house, it's torture. I picked up the demo for God of War 2. But I finished it in like 10 minutes.
I just really need to find something to do. But I've felt horrible the past week or so, with a cold, and then some stomach virus or something. So, some suggestions to pass the time would be good.

Cold, sick and bored

So, it was really cold out today, in the 20's with the wind chill into the single digits. I hate cold, windy days.
I don't really mind cold days, just when the wind kicks up... it chills to the bone.
On top of that, I have a horrible cold. Sore throat, hacking cough, runny nose, the whole nine yards.
I despise colds with every fiber of my being, this is the first one I've had all winter, but it seems like it's the worst out of any cold I've had.

I'm moving up in the job that I've had for the past 2 weeks. My boss is really cool, and he says that I'm picking up on the work really fast, faster than some of the other employees.

Alone Again

I'm going to be alone again for valentines day once again, woot 19  years straight! But it doesn't really bother me that much, being alone for most of my life, I've almost come to embrace not having someone (instead of embracing someone)
If you look at it, Valentines day is just some other normal day, regular school, regular work day. It's not even on a friday this year so not even any drinking.
I guess I'm a loser, you be the judge.

So I've started drawing again

I've picked up sketching again after about a 1 year sabatical. It's like I'm learning all over again, I don't know if thats a good or a bad thing. I'm gettin better by the day it seems, so that's a good thing. I think I might actually pick up a tablet, so I can edit or create drawings in my *cough pirated* copy of photoshop.

I've posted some of my older works on my deviant art page. I think they are pretty bad, but feel free to comment on them. I'f you have any good tutorials or tips, feel free to dish them out like a world of pain. (i don't know how to link so...)

I'm calling you out: (part 3)

PSYCHOLOGISTS! Being a psychologist has to be one of the most crack professions ever. The only professions that come to mind that are even close to the amount of bs this job hands out are: Congress person, or a Meteorologist.
All psychologists do is listen to someone whine and complain about their lives, tell the person that they are messed up in the head, and give them medicine. A chimpanzee could do that. I don't think a job a chimp can do should get paid anything more than minimum wage. But psychologists make six digit salaries! How is that fair to someone fixing computers making 40,000 a year.
They try to tack on these names for specific "conditions" that people have. Bi-polar disorder, clinical depression, blah blah blah. Yeah everyone is messed up in the head! But for some it is in different degrees. If someone says that they are mentally fine, they are lying to you, maybe they are compulsive liars.
I think some people need to buck up and take responsibility for who they are. Not blame it on some "condition" that they have, that they take placebos for. If someone ingrained the fact that gummy-worms will make me look better into my mind, if I ate them, i would of course feel better.
But these days, people try to find anything to blame their problems on, anything else but themselves.

I'm calling you out:

I hate old people. They are a strain on society. I believe that when someone turns fifty, they should get a bullet. Old people contribute nothing to society, except increasing other's insurance rates.
Me, personally, I don't want to live long enough to pull from social security, and once I get to that age, someone kill me. That is why, I belive that I shouldn't have to pay social security from my pay check. One should have to sign a disclaimer when they turn 18, like when they go to register to vote or something, to determine if they will pay social security. Most people are ignorant enough to say no, because they want to see that extra 6 dollars or whatever. Then when the time comes, oops, you're an idiot. That is one less moron in the world, although they have lived to be 65 or something, so they probably already ruined enough peoples lives by living to be that age.
The reason this whole blog is being brought up is because there is a 67 year old man in my C++ PROGRAMMING CLASS. Yes a 67 YEAR OLD IN A PROGRAMMING CLASS. What the hell type of programs will he contribute to society? Some program to let him know to drive slowly and be a pu*** when he's going to make a turn.
This old F*** always interrupts our conversations about different sorts and array architectures to butt in about how he's had like 17 strokes and 4 heart attacks. SHUT THE F*** UP! Nobody wants to hear that kind of s***. Nobody cares. If I wanted to hear horror stories about strokes and such, I'd go to one of those death camps known as a retirement home.
Well, now getting back to the general problem of old people, one must look at other countries that have a problem with people refusing to die. Japan and Germany are such countries. In most countries, the average age of a person is like 23 or something, but in the above countries, the average age is like 31 or something. I don't have the time to look up the statistics, 70% of statistics are made up anyway, this one included.
So what does that mean, well for one people in these countries there are people who are just taking up space, talking about their boring desk job during the war, and how somehow they were a hero during the war. Another problem, well to me its a good thing, but young people in these countries aren't having children. To me, that's less morons in the world, but it skews the statistics. So, to you people in these countries, go have unprotected sex with as many people as possible, in the name of procreation.
Oh, and go shoot old people.

So, i got flipped off the other day

I got flipped off the other day after I changed lanes legally. Sure, you can ignore the fact that the space between my car (flipee) and the lady's SUV (Flipper) was minimal, but i needed to get to my exit.
I look in my rearview to see her giving me the finger. But it wasn't the finger you are thinking of. It was more flacid than an old man's penis.When i saw it, i was pittied and said "aww, poor thing."
What made it all the more sad was that this "finger" was given on the day after Christmas. Apparently at 12:00:01 on the 26th, all Christmas spirit gets defenestrated (thrown out of a window, look it up), and we act as though we normally do, as though our sanity and self-control was attached.
Since I can't post a picture of someone giving the finger, I'll describe it to the best of my ability: her arm was at a 45 degree angle in relation to the ground, and her finger was at a right angle to the ground, the back of her hand was about parallel to the ground. Do this said finger and you will not feel like a man, trust me.
I'm sorry but... THAT IS NOT A FINGER!
Now, you may be asking yourself, what is the proper way to flip someone off. Here's a discription of how to give a good finger.
1) arm must be at a right angle to the ground.
2) Back of hand must be facing target, also at a right angle to the ground
3) finger must be at a right angle (90 degress if you are slow) to the ground.
4) and now the important part, all other fingers must be as close to a closed fisted position as possible, so that it looks as though your middle finger is a 6 foot tall man in china. NONE of this bending at the first knuckle garbage like I have seen time and time again. someone who flips someone off like that looks like a person showing off their fin-arm. If you have a fin-arm, join the circus
The said finger must be accompanied by appropriate displays of aggression via facial expression, or tailgaiting.