I was in the convienence store near my house the other day and I happened by the display for Gatorade. A whole refrigerator section DEVOTED to gatoraid.
This is just crazy, all different colors, styles, flavors and misspelings of words like "X-TREME" and "ELEKTRIK."
NO, SCREW THAT! After a long game of (insert game here) I don't !@#$ing care what i am pouring down my gullet! I just need something to drink.
I doubt that, if gatorade was around when Moses lead the israelites out of egypt, Moses would have cared what the hell kind of flavor it was that he was drinking. He was walking around the desert for 40 $%ing years. I don't think that he would have said "Would you happen to have ELEKTRIC BLUB3RRY LOL"
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