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bloody1f4knight Blog

Undefeated Giants vs. Undefeated Red Skins

As a New York Giants fan, I chose Giants for the Franchise mode (of course I am talking about Madden NFL 07 :)) Anyway, I beat Colts (pretty close game, beat them by 3), Seahawks (beat them by 3 touchdowns) and Eagles (McNabb played badly). Now, I am facing Red Skins (4-0) and I have to win this game without a doubt. Anyway, I think I'm going to watch TV now so I'll probably won't play Madden until tomorrow. I will update you guys tomorrow for sure and if I don't post, then you know why. ;)

The Power of Realization

Until today, I sincerely thought that God was pissed at me. This may sound really crazy to some of you guys but that's what I though most of the time when I got bad marks from my classes. But today, I was thinking about the math test that I wrote and I realized I made a mistake. I somewhat got mad at first because I believed that I studied really hard for the test and I thought I was ready. However, I was wrong. I was gamespotting the day before the test and I knew it wasn't God or people or the world who are screwing me up but it was me who has done this. Most of the times, I thought I was studying really hard but to think about it, most of the times, I was thinking about something other than the school work.

I just want to say I am sorry God for my actions and thoughts. I was wrong and I will serve you just the way I used to. I also would like to apologize to the World for saying FTW everytime I was involved in complicated situation.

All I can say is that I've learned my lesson. I know I have to study and focus on my school works and since this is the final year, I have to win the battle against all the distractions.

This is pathetic... or is it?

Guess what I'm doing right now. I am writing a blog in a school library. Is this pathetic? yes it is since everyone in this library is working with their assignments and homework. I have a second period spare and I usually do my homework or study for tests. However today, I really don't feel like doing it. Since today is Monday, it makes it harder to focus on my school work. Anyway, I better finish my chemistry assignment.. I'm almost done it's just that I am too lazy to print this out and staple it together.

New Blog Banner.. Looks Sweet!

I got a new blog banner thanks to this most nice guy I've ever met on Gamespot. I can't remember his name but I still want to say I thank him for doing this for me and it's people like him who make this world a better place. Anyway, I am pumped up and I can't wait to get my new signature (I also have to find a guy who can do that for me... lol)

Help Wanted

I decided to get a blog header and a new sig. If you are interested, please leave the message please. I really appriciate your help.

8 Mile, one of the greatest movies that I will never stop watch!

First time I watched 8 Mile was a while ago. I couldn't see the movie in the theatre since I couldn't get in but I rented the movie the first day it came out as a dvd. I thought the movie was really good but I didn't buy it since I wasn't really into "watching movies" Well I loved to watch movies but I was into sports and video games that I thought I'd rather spend my time on playing video games or playing sports than watching movies for 2 or 3 hours.

However, I couldn't get into the soccer team for my high school and I stopped playing sports (well besides Tennis) which led to me watching movies pretty much every weekend (I get nervous when I watch movies on school days). Anyway, I was watching Much Music today and they were doing the spotlight on Eminem and they were talking about 8 Mile and the hit soundtrack "Lose Yourself". I realized I haven't seen that movie for a while and I might want to check it out. I went to the local DVD rent place and rented the movie. I've watched twice and I think I will watch it again tomorrow. I mean this isn't the "BEST" movie ever but it surely is one of the greatest. I don't care what everyone says about this movie. What I care is that I love this movie.