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bloody1f4knight Blog

What the hell!!!!

Okay... I just learned that Virtua Tennis 3 isn't coming out for ps2.. What the ****.... do they expect me to buy PS3 or Xbox 360 just to play that game? What were they thinking.... holy ****.. I am so pissed that people are so ignorant.. all they want is money.. why can't they make it also for ps2 you know... ****!!!!!! 


Okay.. I've been struggling in all my classes lately and I am really nervous right now. I was fine until today because I got my Chemistry quiz back and the mark was horrible.. (I rather not post the mark on here.. it's just horrible). I really need to focus but Chemistry is too hard and I have to do a group work for my History project which I really don't like. Also I am really nervous about getting my History test back because there is a slight chance that it might turns out as bad as my Chemistry quiz. I should've gone to church last Sunday.. Darn,, Anyway, please help me get through this by praying for me. I really need all the help to get through this semester..

Age of Empires 2: One of the most intense games that I've ever played.

So I played Age of Empires 2 with my friend and it was so intense. I thought it was going to be like one of those Starcraft war kind of games but it was totally different. My friend and I were taking on 4 hardest computers on The Arena map. There were 4 major battles going on and I tried to send reinforcements to my friend's main battle and he was trying to send his reinforcements to my main battle. It was so intense and luckly we survived. They actually broke into my wall and killed half of my army but I somehow managed to survive. Anyway, we couldn't finish the game so we had to save it. Hopefully we will win next weekend but I am not going to make any promises over those vicious computers.


I can't say anything these days thanks to the thing called "Karma". It's really pain in the *** and I can't take this anymore. My computer is really messed up right now and I think this has something to do with what I said early today. I'm not going to write down what I said but I am pretty sure that's the main reason. I mean how can the computer go down just like that! It is a fairly new computer but it's all messed up now..... Great...........

How is it going to end?

    I was doing my geometry homework during the spare time and I was blown away by the fact that my brain refuged to think. Maybe because it has only been a week since the school started. Still, I was shocked that I couldn't even understand one question. I blamed Jack Johnson at that time but I've realized that it will be a long school year if this continues. This is kind of downer topic for me and I am sure it is for you too but I kept acking myself "How is it going to end?" I guess I have to work really hard and see how it goes. I think everyone's life is a movie. This sounds really corny but recently, I keep saying that to myself. I used to think that I am just a normal guy from a normal family but now, I feel like maybe I am somone.. you know. Maybe I am not a normal guy after all, maybe I don't have to fret because everything will eventually turn out just fine just like movies with happy endings.

    This might doesn't make any sense to you but that's okay. It doesn't make sence to me sometimes but I guess I've grown up mentally.