@Trickymaster that common denominator is tied into price. Consoles aren't holding PC back, if consoles went away, people wouldn't all start buying thousand dollar video cards.
Xbox 360 should have mopped the floor with PS3, PS3 had a terrible launch, it was way over priced, Sony insisted people would be willing to pay more for quality (they didn't), cell processor was difficult to develop for, and they were a year late to the race. Yet PS3 still managed to outsell 360 worldwide. Now sony has addressed all the mistakes it made with ps3, cheaper, on time launch, easy to develop for. If PS3 came out on top last time around in spite of all it's mistakes, what will save Microsoft this time? The Kinect?
@leandrro that's loyalty and dedication, apple fans are the same way, you could sell them a turd with the apple logo for 500 bucks and they'd be lining up a week in advance.
bluefox755's comments