@leandrro @DKRises @A_Rabid_Dog @Random_Matt @FULGOREY2K unless the limited hardware and graphical power is somehow appealing in a nostalgia sort of way I suppose.
@A_Rabid_Dog @bluefox755 @Random_Matt @FULGOREY2K why? what if it played on your tv, with higher resolution, and better graphical effects, sharper textures, less loading time, the only difference would be a tower sitting there instead of a console. Games like Ni No Kuni are the only reasons to play on console, if they were available for PC why not get the better experience?
@A_Rabid_Dog @Random_Matt @FULGOREY2K like? The only thing that could make it better is maybe a couch, or a bigger screen, both can be achieved with PC if they're really important to you. You can plug your console controller into your pc.
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