If it was the first piece of bad publicity for xbone, it'd probably be shrugged off, but unless literally everyone is conducting a smear campaign against MS, it's believable on the heels of all the other garbage MS has tried to peddle us since Xbone's announcement.
@nickpeck36 @bluefox755 Both launch lineups are mediocre at best, that's how console launches always are. It's more about the promise of software down the road, and the quality of exclusives.
Xboners are mad, they don't know why, because they don't understand the tech speak, but they do comprehend they are paying more for an inferior product.
@Oozyrat @bluefox755 Took you a while to come up with that :) I said it because I now feel like I know way more about you than I wanted to. No offense. :)
@ilovecrackers @Prime_28 Well it's certainly more believable that you'd cancel your Xbone preorder than you'd preorder it in the first place, even without the comment.
bluefox755's comments