@urbansys @bluefox755 i could click your link if I cared more, but despite everything going against sony they STILL outsold 360 worldwide, not by much sure, but MS had a far superior launch, much more appealing price tag, a one year head start, they should have mopped the floor with sony...that's not how it went down though. And since you like links: http://www.vgchartz.com/article/250980/playstation-3-lifetime-sales-overtakes-the-xbox-360/
@urbansys @bluefox755 PS3 outsold 360 nearly everywhere except the US. Why do you think MS is trying to bribe europe this time around with a soccer game...regardless, a win is a win, especially when the odds are against you.
@urbansys We did, and despite an overpriced, poorly launched, hard to develop for, year later release, ps3 still managed to beat Xbox 360 worldwide....now this time all of those issues have been addressed and then some.
bluefox755's comments