When you have to force people to buy your product, chances are it won't stand on it's own. If Kinect is great, like they say it is...surely it will sell like hotcakes, and they can give their customers the OPTION to buy it. So some of those folks that wanted Xbox but not Kinect might still buy their console instead of PS4. People like options, they don't like being told what they want or need. The whole "You need this, and you're getting it whether you like it or not." approach, turns a lot of people off I think.
@Tee_Mal I seriously doubt it will sell like the Wii, motion control blew up with the wii, and pretty much fizzled out with the original Kinect, the demand is no longer there. If it was, I would imagine Nintendo would have continued to capitalize on it with Wii-U.
MS is taking a big gamble. If Kinect doesn't catch on, and become the greatest thing since sliced bread like they're promising, there will be some huge backlash if they have to do yet another backpedal after launch.
@stan_boyd @blue_shift_91 @kungfuj0 People wanted memory cards, they don't want kinect, and they didn't force you to buy memory cards, if you wanted to play games without saving, you had that choice.
@phbz @bluefox755 @torreth1 Really? Then why didn't Nintendo focus on motion controls for Wii-U? Could it be that motion controls were a fad that has long since died out?
@sladakrobot @bluefox755 Good things sell right? If not, there's probably a reason it didn't sell, people aren't idiots, if they want something, they buy it, they don't need Microsoft to tell them what they need.
@phbz @torreth1 I think the K2 would have buried itself, as there is very little demand for it, or cameras/motion controls in general, people would rather have an extra hundred bucks than a camera.
bluefox755's comments