@thenephariouson So, if it's so great, why the need to force people who want an Xbox to buy it? Such a great product will surely foster demand and sell without such coercion, yes?
@Ayato_Kamina_1 @Kiel297 That should tell you something about the current state of Xbox One, and the level of satisfaction of their potential customers.
@torreth1 @bluefox755 It doesn't have to do with price, it has everything to do with choice, and Microsoft taking away choice from it's consumers. Let people decide if they want Kinect or not, if it's good, they'll buy it. But people who want Xbox, but don't want kinect are just screwed. Nothing good comes from taking away someone's choice.
Maybe Kinect is great...who knows, I wouldn't wager money on it, but stranger things have happened. If it's great, people would buy it...because who doesn't like something great, right? Unfortunately they've taken away that choice, and are forcing people who want their new console to spend an extra 100 dollars whether they want Kinect or not.
@FAIL_RETURNETH @bluefox755 @TheMoil Ok, I'll rephrase, some people want it. Alot of people don't, otherwise there wouldn't be so much negative feedback. Just seems like a smarter business decision to give your customers a CHOICE. If they want it, they'll pick it up, if they don't, cool.
@torreth1 @bluefox755 And I'm saying, alot of us probably would have bought X1 if they hadn't forced their camera into the package. We think that if people want it, cool, they have the option to buy it, but if we don't want it, we'd like the option to opt out.
@torreth1 @bluefox755 If it cost more for that feature, then yes, it's perfectly capable as a peripheral, there's no reason to make people spend more to get their stupid camera, especially when most don't want it.
@Gusberti1 You have an option...if you buy a samsung TV, you can get the smart tv or the basic, they don't force you to buuy the smart tv. If you buy a car, you can get the basic, or all the options, point is, it's your choice. Companies don't force feed their new technology to you, because it's bad for business.
@torreth1 Point is, people don't like being forced into things. If it's such a great addition to xbox, make it an option, people will buy it, because it's good, and it will inevitably become popular.
bluefox755's comments