@Ansem_Rev Now if they can outsell Microsoft with a late start and a bad/pricely launch, just think of how they'll do when they start on time, with a cheaper console.
@Ansem_Rev and it did very poorly in the beginning, until the price was more reasonable. It did however manage to beat 360 worldwide in spite of the bad pricing and the late launch.
@Ansem_Rev I can tell you why I am...It's a powerful system that does exactly what I want it to: play games. It does this without forcing me to buy gimmicks, and does it while costing me 100 dollars less than the alternative.
@juboner @bluefox755 @Demonkillua Where do you think all the Sony guys came from? lol. Think they've been hiding for all these years? Nah, many are pissed off, ex-Xbox fanboys.
@Stevo_the_gamer @bluefox755 @animatrix999 Well, surely he see's the reaction from the community, and let's be honest, not alot of good things being said about the kinect.
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