@Stevo_the_gamer @bluefox755 @Swan_Ronson8475 Positive buzz and PR has alot of influence too, many mainstream gamers are happy to jump on whatever is most popular.
@Stevo_the_gamer @bluefox755 @Swan_Ronson8475 You can say that everyone that buys consoles will weigh the pros and cons, but that's simply not true, many folks see $100 as $100.
Personally I think both lineups are mediocre. To me it comes down to: Do I want to pay more for a camera, or less for no camera. Pretty easy decision for me.
You'd think they learned from Sony's mistake. Sony said the same thing when PS3 is released..."people will pay more for quality" or something along those lines...well, they didn't, sales didn't pick up until bluray became more mainstream and price went down.
bluefox755's comments