Make Kinect optional would be a good option. Microsoft doesn't seem to understand that consumers like options as opposed to being forced into things.
@Sefrix @RicanV yeah, if I say anything about the price, trolls argue: "Get a better job" or any number of BS comments.
@DVONvX also I don't think the prospect of all digital was what pissed people off, it was that they were being forced into it.
Whether they drop the kinect or not it looks bad, if they keep it, everybody hates them because nobody wants it, if they ditch it, they look even less confident as they have back pedaled on literally everything.
@DVONvX @bobnice Lol, doubt it, 99% of the people I know only have a PS3 or an Xbox 360, dual console buyers are a small minority.
@Jasbro @frozenux @evil13killer they are really banking on titanfall, lol...but yeah, it'll be way better on PC anyway.
Yeah, the Kinect is like Obamacare, even the people that claim to be fans don't want to talk about it and know it's a bad idea.
bluefox755's comments