@Yogurt_master @bluefox755 @Shinteikun There was some, dreamcast didn't suffer from a lack of 'progress' as you say, it was a great system, just bad timing, marketing, 3rd party support, there were lots of reasons dreamcast failed, but innovation wasn't one of them.
@Yogurt_master @Shinteikun New things aren't necessarily good things, the most important part of console gaming is great games. Everything else is secondary to us '1999 hardcore gamers' :)
@so_hai @bluefox755 I can't think of anything I want to do on PC that I can't...I don't like the OS? I can install a new one, I don't wanna get ads? I can install an ad blocker. Anything I like or want, I can do on PC, not the case with consoles.
bluefox755's comments