@TiberiusJones I don't like it, I think it's a stupid feature, I've never wanted to make the in game character look like myself, and I've been gaming since I was old enough to hold a controller.
@Ayebang How about this, it's a powerful gaming system, that plays games, and doesn't try and force gimmicky nonsense onto it's customers? Oh, and it's 100 dollars cheaper. I for one want a machine that plays games, I don't need Sony or MS to tell me what features or gimmicks I need.
Everything that gave Xbox 360 an edge over PS3 (price, earlier launch, development ease) has been addressed with PS4. Add in the fact that MS is shooting themself in the foot at every turn, PS4 is in a very good position.
@BradPoynor @bluefox755 @aci808 have you seen the preorders? X1 is getting destroyed, not to mention alot of people just hate microsoft...the only way I see MS standing a chance is if they drop kinect and match PS4's price.
@TMBreezy @aci808 If it was good for us, why not make it an option? Something so great, people will inevitably flock to it right? What's the need to force it on customers?
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