@Supabul sony isn't taking shots, it's pissed off gamers, sony is doing the smart thing and letting MS shoot itself in the foot, they don't have to take shots.
The kinect requirement reversal was a bad move IMO, not because kinect doesn't suck, but now they have a $100 dollar piece of optional hardware bundled, with no incentive to be used. Of course, if they drop it, that's another big reversal, which shows they had no confidence in their original product, bad position for MS to be in for sure.
@tommynj they handled it poorly, they let all the negative publicity stew for a long time, and then decided to reverse the policy, they should have said right away: "Our bad, you guys are right, we're making this console for YOU, will do it the way you want."...But no they are like: "We know what you want, and we don't care what you have to say about it, deal with it"
Now that kinect isn't mandatory to run the system, how are they gonna force devs to utilize it? And if they can't, why not just drop it, make it optional, and dock 100 bucks so they stand a chance against sony?
bluefox755's comments