@jinzo9988 Not being allowed to copy it doesn't mean you don't own it, the ownership only comes into question when you make copies, if I could somehow make a copy of my car would you tell me I didn't own that too?
They want to make this the new norm, they want everyone to accept more restricted consumer rights. I thought after the Sony press conference they'd at least back off a little, but they're doubling down, we need to push back, send a clear message that this anti-consumer nonsense won't fly.
@plaintomato Agreed, companies should be greedy, the more money they make the more products and services they can offer, greed and good customer service however are not mutually exclusive, MS doesn't seem to grasp that.
It was so unexpected, first thing I thought of when I saw the trailer is: "This feels like Mad Max", "There wouldn't be a game for it thought, right? Most gamers are too young to remember it!" I was pleasantly surprised.
Employees have more power than their employers, you know how many advocate groups and lawyers are out there waiting to pounce on any company with any claim of unfairness? Can't play the victim if you actually do something about your problem though I suppose.
bluefox755's comments