I start out a completionist, then unless the game is reallly good, i get bored about half way to 3/4 way through and "take a break" from the game, which usually ends up being permanent, lol.
Ugh, I don't have the facts to back it up, but I would bet that there are more people who for one reason or another, (maybe purely out of principal, or maybe they don't have a connection at all, or a poor one), will not buy this game, or pirate it without buying a physical copy. I feel like that number exceeds the sales they save from piracy, especially if it's not exclusively an online game, like diablo 3. Piracy always gets around DRM for those who don't care to play online. What's the point? Every statistic I've seen says DRM hurts sales, yet it continues to be pushed? Oh well, what do i know, lol.
yeah, ban guns, cause the crime goes down with gun control, like in Chicago right? wait...no it doesn't. What do you think they'll be calling to ban after guns? What do you think the next scapegoat will be? The reach of government never shrinks, it only grows. It's time for some personal responsibility, recognize that there will always be bad people who do bad things, and no amount of legislation or politicization will ever change that.
@im2cool123 @Seshohama I think you're missing the point, Wii U is a NEW system, you don't think nintendo sites aren't gonna be just a little bit biased reviewing a "release" game of a new nintendo system??
The way I see it, gimmicky stuff is a way to draw people in, get them to say "Hey, that's cool, I think I'll check this out". My problem is, it usually ends there. I feel like most of the time, the novelty quickly wears off...3D, motion sensing controls, and now weird tablet controls, these all feel so contrived to me. I'll take an Uncharted 2 without any unnecessary touch screen mechanics any day. I always felt like these "gimmicks" were more for phones, and tablets, because that was the only practical option, not because it was preferable. I have to wonder, would Wii U be getting the same praise and acclaim if they didn't have the Nintendo brand?
@bakagami @Jake518 @IAMTYLERDURDEN couple friends of mine bought it, they both told me they were kind of disappointed with the whole package in general...I'm not a fan of nintendo, but the positive reaction to original Wii has huge, seems to be quite the opposite this time around...can't comment personally, but having talked to people that have no reason to lie to me certainly would make me think twice before purchasing one if I was a nintendo fan
bluefox755's comments