It was cheesy, but in a good way, technically brilliant, artistically very pleasant to look at, I loved it, and I haven't played wow in months, maybe I'll try again when this comes out
I think they nailed it when he said Nintendo is the best at making Nintendo games...I loved Mario and Zelda up until N64, after that, I dunno, maybe I grew out of it? I'm not sure why I have no interest in Mario games since I was a kid, but I don't, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Nintendo has some of the most die hard fans out there, problem is, that die hard Mario fanbase that will buy every new game from a Nintendo IP is shrinking, I'm not saying get rid of those games, but maybe roll the dice a little, expand...make some new IPs, they obviously know what they're doing, why not try and make something new? Branch out a little nintendo! A man can't live on Mario and Zelda games alone, just sayin.
Lol, I know it's wrong but I can't help but laugh...and another Lol at all the people acting like gaming is no different than heroin, personal responsibility, if ya can't do it on your own, seek help, if not I have no sympathy for you
It kinda lost it's appeal with me, after 70 hours of doing almost entirely side quests, constantly getting side tracked by more sidequests, lol...I just kinda started to lose interest...story was a little lukewarm, I think they nailed that in the review, like your character is the most important person in the game world, but I never got the feeling the things I did meant anything, maybe my fault that I only did side quests, didn't realize there would be so many, lol. I loved the game combat was fantastic, the hook just started to fade after so many hours I guess, could be easily addressed in a sequel though.
I liked the beatles, but Paul McCartney hasn't exactly released any gold material in the past several decades, Paul McCartney is famous these days not for the music he's churning out, but for being Paul McCartney, I dunno, I think they coulda found a better match with a much cheaper price tag, that's just my 2 cents though.
What's interesting to me is Wii is kind of the opposite of starcraft's demographic...what gamers are more hardcore than starcraft players? StarCraft players would hate the controls compared to a mouse and keyboard, and casual gamers probably aren't a large chunk of starcraft's dedicated base...even if it did work, it simply can't work as well as a mouse/keyboard, just sounds like a bad idea all around, lol...just my 2 cents.
I dunno, Mario was fun when I was little but, pretty stale now, for me anyway, that's why I don't own any Nintendo products because their only selling points are the same games from 20 years ago...which if you still like those, then that's cool I guess, I can't be the only one who is getting tired of Mario though? Maybe I am lol
I think core games just feel a little betrayed is all, like how a fan would feel about their favorite quarterback moving to another NFL team to make more money...Can you blame companies for wanting to reach a larger audience? No, bigger paycheck, less risk. I could be wrong, but I believe it's much easier to cash in on the social game market than it is to make a big selling, high budget quality title in the core market.
bluefox755's comments